Thursday, June 30, 2011

DIY: Framed Bee Rack

How to make a frame from a Bee Rack:

  1. Get a super hive body or regular sized bee rack.  The size of the rack depends on the size of your photo.
  2. Put appropriate size beeswax in it.
  3. Position a long photo on the beeswax.  I would recommend a photo of nature, beehives, or honey, etc, would be more appropriate.  
  4. Decorate the frame with scrapbook supplies or other bee extras if desired. 
  5. Place the correct size of glass to protect your pictures.
  6. This would make a great display in your home or as a gift!
Above is a photo frame that I created from one of my bee racks.  In the picture is my Father, Wayne Suddreth, as he is smoking the bees to calm them while he checks the hive.
Good luck with your frame making!

July 28 -July 31, 2011 Floyd, Virginia is the place to be!

Located at milepost 170.5 Blue Ridge Parkway there is going to be an annual celebration that looks like it would be a blast!  The celebration is a 5 day event with music and art all over the place. Where is it you might ask? Well, nowhere else but right in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia. Tickets are $60 for one full day of entertainment and go up from there.  Children are $20.  Looks like there will be quite a few good bands there.  If I was near the area, I don't think I would miss it!  For more info, here is the event website.

Bee Keepers

Appalachia was once home to a rich bee population.  However, 1980 brought a devastating wipe out of much of the regions bees due to an infestation of mites.  Today many locations along the Appalachian Mountain range try to reintroduce mite resistant bees.  One effort is by Coal Country Beesworks of Virginia and Kentucky who has put into practice what they call apiforestation. Apiforestation reclaim land used for coal mining by planting honey trees.  To read more, click here.

In the picture below you can see Wayne Suddreth, my dad, and I checking out 2 of our bee stands.  There has been a lot of rain this year and insects in general have been more prevalent.  Bee sure to check out my  Creativity section for cool ideas regarding bee keeping.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Adventures with Dr. Kerr -Menopause

Dr. Kerr was performing a history and physical on a middle aged woman who came from a very rural area of the mountains near Asheville, NC.  He asked her if she had been through menopause? She responded, " Why heavens no!  I haven't even been across the Blue Ridge Parkway."

You might be a Redtech if...

You think "tweeters" are the bird watchers club.