Here are a few tips for a happy picking day...
- Know your area, make sure to find an area with a high concentration of berries.
- Its going to be hot! Early morning 6-9 AM or after 5 PM won't be as warm.
- Get prepared!
- Overalls or jeans.
- Long sleave shirt to protect you from thorns.
- Boots or tennis shoes - for protection and good footing.
- 1 or 2 buckets with handles to carry the berries in.
- A belt to put around your waste that will also be used to carry the buckets. If you have two hands to pick berries with, you are going to accumulate a lot more, a lot faster!
- BUG SPRAY- You are going to need this to try and devert the chiggers away from you. Chiggers love berry bushes and to make you miserable.
- A rag dampened with kerosene- this will also make the chiggers want to avoid you. Just tie it to your belt. Hey, anything is better than frantically itching for a week.
Take a friend! It will be a rewarding adventure for you both.