Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Revenuers are Comin'!

When I was up at my Dad's garden recently, I saw were he had been burying potatoes in the ground and I snapped a picture.  It reminded me of a story about my Great Grandfather, Burly Azor Suddreth and thought I would share it!  Hope you find it amusing!

Burly Azor II (aka B.A.) and Wayne Suddreth (My Dad)
Grandpa Suddreth was a logger and "white lightening producer". Two professions that conveniently worked well together.  He always had white lightenin' for sale.  One day he was burying his potatoes for the winter.  As they did back then, to keep their potatoes from ruining, he dug a deep whole and had lined it with straw to store them.  As he was tossing the potatoes in the hole, a friend came by and told him that the Revenuers were coming.  Now if you weren't around back then, which most of us weren't, Revenuer's were law officials that tried to catch people who were making and selling liquor illegally. 

When he got word that they were coming, he got all the bottles of white lightening and hid them under the potatoes.  When the Revenuers arrived, Grandpa was working away, covering those potatoes.  The Revenuers, who were persistent as always, looked and looked, around the house and barn but they never found that white lightenin'.

They said, "You sure have got some pretty potatoes this year."  Grandpa said, "Thank you" and continued to layer hay, dirt and tin over his prize potatoes.  The Revenuers got in their car and went on down the road.  Grandpa kept his white lightening that day.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Cards with an Extra Touch

Add that extra touch to the Christmas cards that you send out!  A co-worker and creative friend of mine, Marlem, has made flowers out of fabric that clip or pin to just about anything for the special ladies in your life. 

Here are some examples...

If you are interested please contact me at  I would love to get you in touch with Marlem!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Day Fun!

From our turkey to yours, we wish you all a happy Thanksgiving Day! 

Look a little further for a fun idea we did last year...

After we carved our turkey at the table, we had a little fun with the gentlemen of the family carving turkeys out of potatoes.

Here are the guys, carving away...

My son Cale won; He decided to get fancy with his turkey!

I hope you guys have plenty of smiles and laughs with your loved ones this Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dream Machine for Veteran's

This Veteran's Day, this may not be your idea of a dream machine but for our Veterans it may just be.  Dream Machine's have been popping up here and there ever since 2010.  Did you ever think that discarding your trash the right way could ever make someone else's life worth living?

I copied this from Dream Machine's Facebook in the "About Me" section: "In addition to being kind to the environment, each time you recycle in a Dream Machine you are taking action to help support a disabled U.S. veteran – the more bottles and cans people recycle in a Dream Machine, the more support PepsiCo will provide to the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities, a national program offering post-9/11 disabled U.S. veterans free education and experiential training in entrepreneurship and small business management. On top of that, the intelligent kiosks are computerized receptacles that include a personal reward system, operated by Greenopolis, that allows consumers to earn points for every bottle and can they recycle, redeemable for local discounts and coupons on entertainment, dining and travel at"

If you are interested check out:  You can click the "Locator" button, to the right of  "Likes" and another page opens so you can search for your nearest Dream Machine.  Awesome?  I think so!! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

We love our country and the liberty's we have! 
Don't forget to vote!