Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Heavenly Stitches

If you are around the Kingsport, TN area and sewing is your thing, there is a family owned quilt, embroidery, and sewing shop that you must see!  Paul and Yvonne Crow opened Heavenly Stitches November 8, 2010.  Starting with only 300 bolts of fabric and dream.  Now as their dream continues to unfold they have more than 3000 bolts of fabric and huge clientel. 

When I first walked in, I was impressed by a lovely lady who greeted me and offered me assistance.  She happened to be the store owner Yvonne.  Instantly, I saw the passion that she has for her work. 

(Right to Left) Paul, Yvonne, and their daughter, Renee
I found the shop to have a large variety of fabric for every occasion, sewing tools, notions, sewing matchines, embroidery kits, books and more. 

They have a lot of classes lined up! Classes range from learning the basics of a sewing machine to group projects.  My favorite class was the "Womens of Courage" quilt class.  I have never heard of anyone having this class!  Where have I been?? 

Here is a completed Women of Courage quilt that
is made in honor of many different historic heros.  

In this class a group gathers monthly and each person receives a packet of material to make a block(s) for a quilt.  Each packet includes a picture and short story of a true female hero who had courage to pave the way to many opportunities we women have today.

I think it is unique that I was interested in the Women of Courage quilt when right here in this shop I found a true woman of courage who has succeeded in making a dream come true called Heavenly Stitches.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Field of Greens

Picking greens in the Spring brings back special memories of my Grandmother.  She would take me out in early March and we would look for wild creasy greens. 

Today, I plant a variety of greens to harvest in March to use in my meals.  They are fun to pick, tasty to eat, and good for your health!

Here is a photo of me taking my Grandaughter, Lily, to pick a variety of greens.

 She is as cute as a button!

Here are a few types of greens that I enjoy.  My favorite is baby spinach but I like to have different types. 

Right now is great time to get some seeds and start your very own "Field of Greens".  In my experience a little tender love and care can go a looong way when it comes to producing a good crop.  Here are some tips that might help you if this is your first time planting!

5 Steps to Successsful Greens:

1.  Prepare your ground well.
      a.  Plow up the size area you need.
      b.  Rake the dirt to smooth out the clumps.

2.  When planting your seeds:
      a.  Follow instructions on your pack of seeds, or
      b.  Mix your seeds with flour or meal and shake the mixture with a sifter to get them even.

3.  Cover the seeeds lightly

4.  Water gently with a sprinkler

5.   Wait till plants are up a few inches and thin the plants if necessary so that they have room to grow.

Within a few weeks you will be going out to your field of greens (small or large) and picking a "mess" for dinner.  Enjoy! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Rhyme Ice & Snow

A beautiful winter morning in Waynesville, NC.  I love how the rhyme ice sparkles in January!  And I especially love my Grandaughter, Becca, in the middle of it!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Keeping Bees

If you are a bee lover or just a honey user you will LOVE "Keeping Bees" by Ashley English.  Keeping Bees takes you from the history of bees, to housing bees, equipment needed, feeding them, plus a year at a glance.  It also talks about health and wellness of the colony and many things you can make with the honey harvest.  (The Honey Ice Cream recipe sounds amazing!)  I was so impressed with the pictures and helpful information that once I picked the book up, I couldn't put it down!

Although I loved many things about the book, my favorite was her "Profile of a Beekeeper".  Those sections throughout the book introduced me to many types of beekeepers across the country and the world! 

Ashley English and her husband live in Candler, North Carolina in the heart of the southern Appalachians.  Check out her blog @

Click here, to purchase this book on Amazon!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Long-Haired Goat

Boy, oh boy!  You never know what you're going to find around these curvy roads!

The other day it was a long-haired goat posing for me on a rock...

Even his friends weren't camera shy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Red Skies...

Red skies in the morning shepherds warning...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tunisian Crochet

It's cold outside and the new seasons of TV shows are soon to begin.  What a perfect time to start a new craft!  I would suggest Tunisian crochet. Tunisian crochet is a beautiful and versatile stitch technique that borrows elements from both knitting and crochet, creating a pleasing fusion of the two techniques.

If you are familiar with crocheting, a tunisian crochet hook is longer than a regular crochet hook. It has a hook at one end and a knob at the other end to hold the stitches on the hook.

Unlike regular crocheting, Tunisian crochet, stitches are picked up and held on the hook for the first part of the row and then worked off the hook for the second part of the row. 
This book is one way you can learn the technique. It also has many patterns and even an instructional DVD.  Click on the picture below to be connected with Amazon Market Place and check out this book!                                       

If you are around the Asheville area, my friend Rita de Maintenon, is a wonderful teacher and an exceptional crafter.  She offers several classes.  If you are interested, here is her website:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Touch of Peppermint!

On my trip to the grocery store I picked up a new item.  I was thinking, lets give some wintery treats a kiss of mint with Peppermint Flavored Marshmallows!

Winter Treat #1

First, I decided to make an extremely complicated cup of hot chocolate from another lady's recipe. You might know her as Swiss Miss.  Once the Miss' chocolate powder was properly blended with water, I added in the mint marshmallows.  I wanted to be sure and let them start to melt a little before I tried it.  It was a great combo!  The mint flavor made my my mouth tingle a little with each sip.

Winter Treat #2

The next treat I chose was "Operation:  Microwave-Smores".  I wasn't sure if it would work.  To my surprise, it turned out well!  The mint was not overpowering in the least!  It was just right.  Just be sure and don't warm them too long.  It can quickly turn into a mess! 

Maybe you can come up with some ideas to keep toasty during this fridgid weather!  What would you do with these different flavors of marshmallows?