Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rhubarb: Flavor your spring!

If you are not familiar with Rhubarb, it is a giant leafed perennial with red and green stems.  The stems have many uses but the leaves contain chemicals that make them poisoness to eat. The way the stems look and cut makes them almost identical to celery stalks.  The stems are used for cooking, wine, and medicinal purposes.  If you haven't checked out the mouth watering post about Strawberry-Rhubarb topping yet, click here!

Some fun facts!
  • Harvesting time is early spring, before it turns into a flower.
  • When you pick it, pull it up by the root.
  • There are over 20 types of rhubarb all over the world.
  • It can produce for over a decade!

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