If you are a bee lover or just a honey user you will LOVE "Keeping Bees" by Ashley English. Keeping Bees takes you from the history of bees, to housing bees, equipment needed, feeding them, plus a year at a glance. It also talks about health and wellness of the colony and many things you can make with the honey harvest. (The Honey Ice Cream recipe sounds amazing!) I was so impressed with the pictures and helpful information that once I picked the book up, I couldn't put it down!
Although I loved many things about the book, my favorite was her "Profile of a Beekeeper". Those sections throughout the book introduced me to many types of beekeepers across the country and the world!
Ashley English and her husband live in Candler, North Carolina in the heart of the southern Appalachians. Check out her blog @ small-measure.blogspot.com.

here, to purchase this book on Amazon!
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