Saturday, October 15, 2011

Go App!!

 Best weekend ever!! Why, you ask? Because it was...

Parent Weekend!  Football Weekend! See our daughter, Lydia, Weekend!  Anyway you look at it, it was a Great Weekend!

We headed out Saturday morning for Appalachian State University, Lydia's home away from home.  We saw so many beautiful sights as we rode the 
 high roads.  It was questionable weather with clouds hanging owe the mountains.  I told my Mountain Man, Rick, "Our daughter is getting an education in the heavens."

When we arrived in Boone, we had time for a little lunch and we were off to the game!  It was so exciting!  Our first college game!

Leaves were beginning to change.  The sun was shining bright, showing off all the beautiful fall colors in the scenery.  The weather turned out to be perfect.

Walking to our seats, Mountain Man Rick, (my Hubby) was checking out how the score boards were turning out with all the college teams.  App is definitely up there!  They are doing well so far. :) 

There was so much excitement in the air!  Almost everyone was in their team colors and really into the game.  The students were dressed in some of their best attire to support their team. Tee-hee 

Here were some more of the "Happy Apper's". :)

We had a little time to spend with Lydia's friends after the game. 

We had such a blast and can not wait to go back!

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